So, what the heck is an owl pellet? Imagine you’re out in the woods, or even your back yard, enjoying the rustling leaves and the hoots of owls in the distance. We are fortunate to have a resident pair of Great Horned Owls that nest in our back yard every year. So, we are able to witness these amazing creatures in very close proximity and I’m able to capture incredible inspiration for my drawings and paintings. These incredible birds are known for their nocturnal hunting skills, and they have a pretty cool way of dealing with the stuff they can’t digest. That’s where owl pellets come into play! There are many fascinating things you can find in owl pellets, you just have to be a bit brave and dive in.

Owl Pellet Dissection
Great Horned Owl Sketch

An owl pellet is basically like a little package of surprises that an owl regurgitates. Yep, you read that right. Owls, being efficient predators, swallow their prey whole, and their digestive systems work hard to extract all the nutrients. But some parts, like bones, fur, and feathers, are a bit too tough to digest. So, instead of letting them hang around in their bellies, owls cough up these leftovers in the form of pellets, instead of just excreting them like the rest of us do through their poop.

Owl Pellet

Now, these pellets might sound a little gross, but they’re actually pretty fascinating. They’re often about the size of a ping-pong ball and have a slightly lumpy appearance. Picture them as little owl “gifts” waiting to be unwrapped!

Owl Pellet Dissection

When you dissect an owl pellet (which is basically like doing a nature-themed treasure hunt), you’ll find all sorts of goodies. The most common things you’ll come across are tiny bones. Remember, owls eat small mammals like mice, shrews, and voles, so you’ll spot their itty-bitty skulls, ribs, leg bones, and more. It’s like piecing together a puzzle to figure out which critters made up the owl’s meal. As you can see with this one I dissected, there is a small varmint skull which is pretty interesting when you can view it closely.

Great Horned Owl Pellet Skull

And that’s not all – you might stumble upon bits of fur, feathers, and even insect exoskeletons. It’s like a snapshot of the owl’s diet, telling a story of its hunting habits and what’s on the menu in its neighborhood. It’s like a hands-on science lesson straight from the great outdoors.

Give a Hoot – Buy Wildlife Art

So next time you’re hiking through the woods and hear the soft hoots of an owl, remember to look around on the ground for little owl pellet surprises waiting for you. You can also help support your local wildlife artist and purchase one of these beauties. Just click contact us if you are interested.